Monday 29 October 2012


Test Yourself page 24,25


Grades consist of

1 test
2 quizes
2 reading projects
workbook pages 4, 7-9ab, 10c, 11, 12c, 13a, 15a
Grammar 20, 21, 23#4, 27, 28, 22#3, 24#1and2, 25#6, 26#8
Journal entry (special schools)
Emotional Intelligence worksheet

Sunday 28 October 2012

Freedom of Speech and Tolerance: In memory of Itzchak Rabin

What is popular is not always right and what is right is not always popular....

Can you think of a time when you did something that was different because it was the right thing to do?

Speech by Malala

Footage from November 2011 of Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl persecuted for giving a speech on the importance of education. Malala says she was continuing her education, despite being banned from studying by the Taliban.

Millions of children face Malala's fight for an education

By Gordon Brown, Special to CNN
October 15, 2012 -- Updated 1541 GMT (2341 HKT)

Monday 15 October 2012

Memorization Techniques

Memorization Techniques

1) Chunking 3.14159265 Ex. (3.1415) (9265) or phone numbers etc. or antivirus (anti) (virus) or sunglasses (sun) (glasses)

2) Sounds like.... Does the word's sound remind you of something?

Ex. When I hear the word nervous it sounds like נר. I become nervous around a נר because I don't want to get burnt!


Ex. Risk rhymes with kiss. To give a kiss is a risk

4. Bridging/Imagining the bazaar

Ex, Romance I think of Roman so I picture a women giving a flower to a roman statue.

5. Visual clues

Ex. In the word ball. The b looks like a foot kicking the a!

Wedding. The two dd's remind me of two rings on fingers.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Reading Projects

Reading Project....

1. Choose a book of fiction in English that you enjoy reading.

2. Read 50 pages or about 50,000 words.

3. Complete two of the tasks below.

Tasks Includes

     MUST] Elements of Fiction

AND one of the below

Write the next chapter of the book. 

Create an advertisement. Demonstrate your knowledge of the book through convincing language, pictures and symbols. Justify your work in a written attachment in english. 

ReWrite a chapter from the book from the perspective of a different character in the book.