Monday 15 October 2012

Memorization Techniques

Memorization Techniques

1) Chunking 3.14159265 Ex. (3.1415) (9265) or phone numbers etc. or antivirus (anti) (virus) or sunglasses (sun) (glasses)

2) Sounds like.... Does the word's sound remind you of something?

Ex. When I hear the word nervous it sounds like נר. I become nervous around a נר because I don't want to get burnt!


Ex. Risk rhymes with kiss. To give a kiss is a risk

4. Bridging/Imagining the bazaar

Ex, Romance I think of Roman so I picture a women giving a flower to a roman statue.

5. Visual clues

Ex. In the word ball. The b looks like a foot kicking the a!

Wedding. The two dd's remind me of two rings on fingers.

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