Saturday 22 September 2012

Distance Bette Midler and The Present Simple

Present Tense     

From a Distance 

From a distance the world  1                      (look) blue and green
And the snow capped mountains white

From a distance the ocean 2                               (meet) the stream

And the eagle 3                           (take) to flight

From a distance, there is harmony
And it 4                                  (echo) through the land

It's the voice of hope, it's the voice of peace
It's the voice of every man

From a distance we all have enough
And no one is in need
And there 5                        (is) no guns, no bombs, and no disease
No hungry mouths to feed

From a distance we are instruments
Marching in a common band
Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace
They're the songs of every man

God is watching us, God is watching us
God is watching us from a distance

From a distance you 6                           (look) like my friend

Even though we 7                       (is) at war

From a distance I just cannot 8                      (comprehend)
What all this fighting is for

From a distance there is harmony
And it echoes through the land
And it's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves
It's the heart of every man
(Every man)

It's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves
This is the song of every man

And God is watching us, God is watching us
God is watching us from a distance
Oh, God is watching us, God is watching
God is watching us from a distance

Bette Midler

Present Simple vs. Present Progressive


Simple vs.  Progressive

Simple Present

Present Progressive 

Colin plays football every Tuesday.


Look! Colin is playing football now.

Signal words                                                                                 Signal words
  • always
  • every ...
  • often
  • normally
  • usually
  • sometimes
  • seldom
  • never
  • first
  • then
  • at the moment
  • at this moment
  • today
  • now
  • right now
  • Listen!
  • Look!
Simple Present:  to be, have, hear, know, 
like, love, see, smell, think, want


I/you/we/they         I playI do not play
Do I play?

he/she/it         He playsHe does not playDoes he play?

         I           am playing                I am not playing                       Am I playing?

      You           are playing              You are not playing                  Are you playing?

    He/She/it     is playing          He/she/it is not playing                 He/she/it playing?

       We            are playing         We are not playing                      Are we playing?



Emotional Intelligence
                What do you think about effective leaders? What comes to mind? Chances are, you picture someone who listens to their team. They stay cool under pressure. They know when to trust their intuition. And they never let their emotions get the best of them. People like this have a high degree of emotional intelligence.
                 Emotional intelligence or E.I. is the ability to recognize your emotions, understand them and see how they affect those around you. Having high emotional intelligence also means that you see the emotions of others clearly. This allows you to manage your emotions better and avoid potential conflicts.
                There are five elements that define emotional intelligence. The first is self-awareness. When you are self-aware you know how you are feeling all of the time and how those feelings are affecting those around you. The second characteristic is self-regulation; this is the ability to control your emotions naturally. You can develop self-regulation by upholding your values and holding yourself accountable when you make a mistake. 
                     The third aspect of emotional intelligence is motivation. People with high motivation are willing to put off short term rewards for long term success. The forth is empathy. This is when you have an intuitive understanding of other people’s emotions and what maybe motivating them.
                      Finally, having good social skills is also critically important. If you have strong social skills than you are more likely to work positively with other people and manage conflict effectively.
                     Having high emotional intelligence skills is critical for today’s work place. If you can build and maintain strong relationships then you can work happily and productively with the people around you.  High emotional intelligence is also one of the key attribute of being an effective leader.
You can find out more at
Name                                                  Date                         
Emotional Intelligence

1.What is the subject/topic of the article?
2.Find 7 important words in the text. Why did you choose them?
Passage 1
3. Who makes a good leader?
4.What does it mean to…………..Stay cool?..............Not get the best of them?
5.Find another word for high degree?
Passage 2
6.What is emotional intelligence (in your own words)?
7.Why is emotional intelligence helpful? 
Passage 3-5
8.Name the 5 elements of emotional intelligence and describe what they are in your words. (Example) Social skills: ability to work with others.
9. What does the prefix self mean?  Name three other words with the word self in it.
10. Name someone you think is emotionally intelligent and explain why.
11. Find three topic sentences.
12. Separate the text into the correct paragraphs.
13. Ask two question

Monday 10 September 2012


Keep reading and reading and reading your English book of choice.

Sunday 9 September 2012


“Quick as a Cricket” by Audrey Wood

I'm as quick as a cricket, 
I'm as slow as a snail, 
I'm as small as an ant,
I'm as large as a whale.  
I'm as sad as a basset, 
I'm as happy as a lark,
I'm as nice as a bunny, 
I'm as mean as a shark.  
I'm as cold as a toad,
I'm as hot as a fox, 
I'm as weak as a kitten, 
I'm as strong as an ox.
I'm as loud as a lion, 
I'm as quiet as a clam, 
I'm as tough as a rhino,
I'm as gentle as a lamb.  
I'm as brave as a tiger, 
I'm as shy as a shrimp,
I'm as tame as a poodle, 
I'm as wild as a chimp.  
I'm as lazy as a lizard,
I'm as busy as a bee, 
Put it all together, 
And you've got me!


Read the Rosh Hashana passage. Find the symbols and what they represent.

Saturday 8 September 2012


Symbolism is an object, action or idea that represents something other then itself.
For example a heart = love

How Do Writers Use Symbolism?Writers insert symbols into their writing to allude to a feeling, mood or attitude without directly stating the perspective or mood intended. Symbolism is supplemental to the story.

Rosh Hashana and Adjective

Step #1 – What Are Your Inner Strengths?

Below, write 6 experiences in your life where you felt great about yourself. Next to each experience, write the emotion you felt. Next to the emotion, list two strengths you used to accomplish that experience.

Here are two samples:
ExperienceFeelingStrengths Used
Collected 25,000 signatures on a petitionexhilarationorganization, creativity
Consoled my friend who was mourninghopesensitivity, compassion

Now fill in the chart yourself:
ExperienceFeelingStrengths Used

Review the strengths you listed above. Pause to appreciate those strengths with which you were blessed.