Saturday 6 April 2013

Holocaust Memorial Lesson Plan

1) Choose a picture and describe what do you see in the picture.



Eisenman Holocaust Memorial Berlin by Katrin Kalden

2) How do you think this picture relates to the holocaust?

3) Read the short corresponding passage below to the photo to find out.


Otto, Edith and Margo Franks room. Annelies "Anne" Marie Frank (June 1929 – early March 1945) wrote a diary during the Holocaust. It became famous and is the basis for several plays and films. 
The Frank family moved from Germany to Amsterdam in 1933, the year the Nazis gained control over Germany. By the beginning of 1940, they were trapped in Amsterdam by the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. As persecutions of the Jewish population increased in July 1942, the family went into hiding in the hidden rooms of Anne's father, Otto Frank's, office building. After two years, the group was betrayed and transported to concentration camps. Anne Frank and her sister, Margot, were eventually transferred to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, where they both died of typhus.

Nazi Propaganda
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Germany skillfully promoted the Olympics with colorful posters and magazines. Athletic imagery tried to connect Nazi Germany and ancient Greece. These portrayals symbolized the Nazi racial myth that the German civilization were a superior people since antiquity. Propaganda rcontinued well after the Olympics. The Nazis had very clear ideas of  who was the perfect person: heroic, blue-eyed blonds with fine features.


                 Ellsworth Kelly has been a widely influential force in the post-war art world. He became famous in the 1950 for his presentation of the relationships between shape, form and color. Kelly was one of the first artists to create irregularly shaped canvases. His art challenged viewers' conceptions of space. Kelly influenced the development of MinimalismHard-edge paintingcolor field, and Pop art.



                 Known as the Holocaust Memorial (German: Holocaust-Mahnmal) in Berlin for the Jewish victims of the Holocaust. The architects of this memorial are Peter Eisenman and engineer Buro Happold. It consists of a 19,000 square metres covered with 2,711 concrete slabs, arranged in a grid pattern on a sloping field. The slates are 2.38 m long, 0.95 m wide and vary in height from 0.2 to 4.8 m. The memorial is designed to produce an uneasy, confusing atmosphere. The sculpture aims to represent something very ordered that is missing a human touch. Interesting that Eisenman did not intend to use any symbolism. However some say it looks like a cemetery.[2][3][4]  The memorial presents the names of all known Jewish Holocaust victims, obtained from the Israeli museum Yad Vashem. The memorial was completed on December 15, 2004.

Task 4) Essential Questions

 How are decisions made about who belongs and who is excluded? What is community?

What makes it possible for neighbor to turn against neighbor?

What does it mean to be “from” a place? How does where we are from influence who we are?

Under what conditions are most people likely to feel more responsible for helping others? 

Task 5)

Dona Dona (original Yiddish words by Aaron Zeitlin and Shalom Secunda)

In a wagon lies a calf; it is tied with a rope
High in the sky a swallow soars, is joyaous, and runs back and forth.

The wind laughs in the cornfields, laughs and laughs and laughs. I
It laughs a whole day and half the night. Dona, Dona, Dona...

The calf cried and the farmer says: Who told you to be a calf? You could have been a bird, you could have been a swallow.

Poor  calves are bound and dragged and slaughtered. Whoever has wings flies high and is no one's slave.

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