Monday 8 April 2013

Writing Project Rubric

Writing Project Rubric

1)      Elements of Fiction diagram 10% of grade

Excellent:   The elements are covered correctly and developed. A theme exists. The story ideas are clear and practical.              

Acceptable: Elements are covered correctly. Ideas are clear and practical.

2)      Story Rough Draft  20% of grade AND Final Draft 70%

 Excellent: There is a clear structure to the story: opening, a climax and a closure. Paragraphs are clearly and correctly marked and there are minimal grammar mistakes. Elements of Fiction are present. The story is developed: characters, plot, and theme. There is a title page and author. The story is creative, developed descriptions, and multiple tenses.

Acceptable: Clear structure to the story. Opening, a climax and closure.. The story has paragraphs. All elements of fiction are present. There is a title page with author. 

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