Saturday 24 December 2016

Test Prep. 11.1.17

Test Yourself! 
Practice Book
pages 41-42 
and 61-63

Vocabulary: Practice Book pages 24,28,29 and 35. 
Unit 2 and Unit 3 (page 108 - first column only) ~ found at end of chapter vocabulary list

Grammar: Practice Book pages 36, 37, 38, 40
Present Simple, Present Progressive, Stative, Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Progressive, Adjectives (comparatives and superlatives) - Practice Book pages 46, 47 and textbook p. 63

Writing: Text Page 51 and Practice Book page 34

Unseen: Practice Book page 26, 27, 31, 32, 33
Review "how to take a test" 
main sentence, topic sentence......etc.

* Go over/ Review class website 
* Test Preparation includes practice book pages 44b, 45c, 46, 47, 49, 51b, 59-60, 
and "test yourself" 61-63

Superlatives and Comparatives.......   page 69 textbook
                                                            page 46,47 practice book

                      Good, better, best
                       You never let it rest
                      Until your good is better
                       and your better is best

Write 5 superlatives and 5 comparatives complimenting yourself and others using the list below

Tall                                     quiet                                    creative                             interesting
Credible                              funny                                  original                             old
Stylish                                strong                                  studious                             fast
Wise                                    friendly                               wonderful                         young
Long                                    imaginative                        fashionable                       fantastic

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