Tuesday 3 January 2017

Page 108 vocabulary practice unit 4

From textbook page 108 column 1          

                   Perhaps you were waiting for your            1           at a restaurant when an       2           scent of smoke drifted by you. You wanted to file a        3              but the sign in the entranceway said "smoking area".  Yes it is true, many people are          4           about smoking. They love cigarettes.  The truth is, however, smoking is not        5          . Smoking is         6         ! When you start it is almost impossible to stop! It can cause you           7              problems. It can create     8                 . It can cause you illness and           9        . Simple put, smoking can quickly            10                .


1) Mark the second paragraph and explain your answer.
2) Label the Main Sentence
3) What problems can smoking cause according to the article. 
4)Write about a time when smoking impacted you. Use the past tense progressive or simple and the vocabulary from the list above. 

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